"Counseling is a professional relationship that empowers diverse individuals, families, and groups to accomplish mental health, wellness, education, and career goals" - American Counseling Association (ACA)
Why Do People Seek Counseling ? How Does it Work?
There are many reasons people seek counseling, however in general clients are looking for an enhanced sense of self understanding and acceptance. This process includes understanding how past experiences have shaped the way we view ourselves, as well as how we understand how we relate to others. Therapy provides a safe place to explore reactions, thoughts, and feelings about people in your life as well as yourself. It allows you the opportunity to practice new ways of interacting and, when ready, to try these in other relationships. Counseling is a chance for you to work on achieving a healthy emotional and psychological well-being, and where you can use your cognitive and emotional capabilities to best function in society and meet the ordinary demands of everyday life.
Counseling is not like a medical doctor visit but rather instead calls for active effort on your part. The counseling process has a clear beginning, middle, and end. In order for the therapy to be most successful you will have to work on things we talk about both during our sessions and at home. It is a joint effort, which cannot be successful without your hard work, energy, and courage.
Counseling is not like a medical doctor visit but rather instead calls for active effort on your part. The counseling process has a clear beginning, middle, and end. In order for the therapy to be most successful you will have to work on things we talk about both during our sessions and at home. It is a joint effort, which cannot be successful without your hard work, energy, and courage.
Counseling is:• Establishing supportive relationships • Having conversations with a purpose (not just chatting) • Listening carefully • Helping people tell their stories without fear of stigma or judgment • Giving correct and appropriate information • Helping people make informed decisions • Exploring options and alternatives • Helping people to recognize and build on their strengths • Helping people develop a positive attitude toward life and to become more confident • Respecting everyone’s needs, values, culture, religion, and lifestyle • Being willing to trust clients’ feelings and decisions, which may be the right ones for them at that time, given their particular situation |
Counseling is not:
• Solving another person’s problems
• Telling another person what to do • Making decisions for another person • Blaming another person • Interrogating or questioning another person • Judging another person • Preaching to or lecturing another person • Making promises that cannot be kept • Imposing one’s own beliefs on another person • Providing inaccurate information |